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Built Upon a Lie


By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Albert Einstein once said, “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”and how right he is but not for the reason you might think.

Both modern Jewish and Christian beliefs still hold to traditions from the Old Testament in regards to creation with both great faiths believing that Adam was created from the dust and dirt by the hand of God. Also, Jews believe the place where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac to God the Father and where Christians believe that Jesus was crucified is holy and sacred ground. And built upon this holiest of grounds is also where the First and Second Temples of the Jews were built, and where certain denominations of Christians believe the that Third Temple will arise and be the site of Jesus’ Second Coming and where Jews believe the messiah will first appear.

But what do these varied beliefs have as a common point of reference…simply…the land itself upon which these events did occur and which might possibly see holy events again occur in the future. And that land itself is known as The Temple Mount…an area of only thirty-five acres in the southwest corner of Jerusalem’s ‘Old City’…yet it is the most contested piece of land on Earth. And that contested land sits under…yes under…the Al-Asqa mosque (Masjid Al-Aqsa)…which in Arabic simply means the ‘farthest mosque.’

With that being said it now must be understood that this most sacred and holy ground is being hijacked by the practioners of the ideology that is islam. And with that comes the sad fact that, to date, islam is actually winning the war we now find ourselves fighting for while we win skirmishes here and there, as long as that abomination of a mosque sits atop the Temple Mount…Jewish and Christian holy ground…we cannot possibly win, neither in the spiritual sense nor in the tangible here and now sense And why…because when a people’s sacred core beliefs and the tenets of faith which accompany those beliefs are held hostage by 7th century barbarians there can be no just winner until said barbarians are destroyed in full…and that means that the ideology that is islam along with all its accoutrements must be no more.

And while some will believe what we just stated while others will not, the fact remains that this specific parcel of land with the structure that sits atop it has become ground zero not only from a religious and tangible military standpoint, but from a broad political standpoint as well. And that means to defeat the sum of the ideology that is islam the Al-Asqa mosque itself must be removed from this sacred ground for islam’s squatting on this land has garnered it ‘so-called’ legitimacy as a religion, but garnered it only because islam usurped the very ground that gave birth to both Judaism and Christianity.

The Al-Asqa mosque (sometimes referred to as Bayt al-Muqaddas) along with the Dome of the Rock was built upon the Temple Mount (Haram esh-Sharif…the Noble Sanctuary) not to honor the true holy events that came before but to commemorate Muhammad’s ‘Night Journey.’ The mosque itself is the third holiest site in Sunni islam which is really quite odd because in islam’s critical early years Jerusalem itself held no sanctity to muslims at all, but in later attempts to make it so and to attribute to the city a political importance of sorts in muslim history, the claim was made and has been perpetrated ever since that Jerusalem and Palestine are one and the same, and that Jerusalem’s sanctity is a reflection of the sanctity of Palestine as a whole…translation…Jews and Christians get out

But ‘holy’ and ‘sanctity’ are subjective words in regards to the Al-Asqa mosque for there is nothing holy nor sacred about said mosque for it did not even exist until years after Muhammad’s death in 632 AD. Constructed by the Umayyads around 710 AD, the Al-Asqa mosque is the place muslims believe to be the exact spot to which Muhammad was “transported to” during the journey of Israa and Mi’raj…the night that allah took Mohamed on a journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven upon the back of a great white angelic beast. But nowhere in the qur’an is Jerusalem named as the place allah took him to, and the words Al-Asqa, as in the ‘farthest place,’ can literally mean any place on the then known Earth.

And when logic takes the place of religious fervor one comes to realize how can someone visit let alone ascend from a place…from a specific structure…that did not exist at the time that someone was ‘supposedly’ there. Simply, one cannot.

And what this means is that the entirety of islam is built upon a lie…a lie that has held Christianity and Judaism ‘in check’ for over 1400 years. Drawing the gullible into the lie over these many centuries…many more times than not by brute force and savagery alone…has allowed islamic ideology to steal that which is holy to both the Jews and the Christians and turn it into a corrupted place solely by the presence of a structure that is most unholy. And by muslims making this structure one of their holy places is nothing but an attempt at legitimacy…to hide the reality that the structure they built is nothing but a building they deemed a mosque…albeit a pretty one…but a building nevertheless…not a place to be revered as sacred and which in all rightfulness should be torn down…whether it be brick by brick or bulldozed in one fell swoop…so that the true holy ground of the Jews and Christians can once again be brought into the light of the world as the ground of creation would no longer be hidden under such a blasphemous structure.

A structure not just conceived and built upon the ideals of blasphemy alone, but a structure also built upon a simple lie that has grown so strong that the world has been fooled into blindly accepted that simple lie as truth. And a simple lie that had new life breathed into it when in 1967 Jerusalem was unified under Israeli rule. By saying to the world “Al-Aksa that has fallen prisoner to the Jews,” the then recently invented by Yassir Arrafat people known as the ‘Palestinians,’ in their quest to defame the Jewish State before the eyes of the world, single-handily helped not only to raise the status of the mosque to the zenith of islamic ‘supposed’ holiness but did so by turning it into the touch point for all things political.

And in doing so the mullahs and the heads of the Arab nations turned the Temple Mount, and specifically the Al-Asqa Mosque, into the ultimate tangible token of solidarity in the battle both against the nation of Israel, the Jewish people themselves, and now with the Christians thrown in for good measure. And by turning a building into a living icon of hate for those whose loyalties lie both with the ‘so-called’ Palestinians and with those who believe that islam is a religion of peace, the brainwashing of the world’s masses into thinking Israel was the wolf knocking on islam’s door became their trophy of success.

And while the Al-Asqa mosque is but the physical presence built upon the holy ground of the Temple Mount, yet a physical presence that holds Judaism and Christianity hostage, what of the entirety of the ‘Old City’ itself…Jerusalem’s sacred inner core so to speak and the area most in contention when speaking of Jerusalem. This very city that rightfully belongs to the Jews and to Israel alone for Jerusalem is spoke of in the Bible hundreds of times with it first being mentioned as Salem, or Shalem, in Genesis 14:18, which speaks of a meeting between Abram and Melchizedek (“Blessed be Abram by God Most High…”)…how quickly most forget. And Jerusalem became the actual seat of power for the land of Israel during the time of King David after he and his armies drove the Jebusites out of Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:9) and named it the City of David. David reigned as King of Israel for 33 years, and all of the Kings of Judah who came after David reigned in Jerusalem. In fact, David’s son King Solomon built the First Temple in Jerusalem, which was later destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed yet again.

And this happened three thousand years before the ideology of islam was but a gleam in Muhammed’s perverted eyes.

And in the years…in the many centuries…since then… while wars and conquest saw Jerusalem being taken away from the Jews it always in one form or another was returned to them, to again be taken away and returned yet again when finally in 1967 a six day war was fought and won, and where a pledge was made that Jerusalem would never again be divided nor be taken away from the Jews…from Israel…ever again.

And that pledge alone is what ignited a conflict that seems to have no workable solution, and the Al-Asqa mosque sits atop ground zero.

So how do these individual pieces of the Al-Asqa mosque and the Temple Mount fit into the sum of the whole that has the Al-Asqa mosque the core from which emanates the fight for ownership of the entirety of Jerusalem, and how does the existence of said mosque prevent the Israeli/Palestinian conflict itself from ever being resolved for the two parts are forever interlocked into the whole?

To understand both one must delve into the mindset of not only the ‘so-called’ Palestinians but of the entirety of today’s muslim world. Remember, the muslim world is a collective whole of people who believe that Israeli’s wanting control of not only the ‘Old City’ but specifically of the grounds underneath the Al-Asqa mosque means that Israel’s true goal is nothing short of regional conquest and colonization…as in to take and populate all muslim lands…and to do so simply by igniting a full-blown religious war.

But it is not Israel that has made this a religious war for it is the muslims themselves who have presented the conflict to the world as a religious war…and by their making the Al-Asqa mosque a victim of what they refer to as Jewish extremists, the now islamisized Palestinians and the terrorist group who bears the name Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, love nothing better than to publicly whine and cry that they are the victims of Jewish hate and brutality. And with phony pictures of dead children and such they have been able to negate the truth to mobilize the public against Israel no matter that it is the Jews and now also the Christians who are actually the victims of what in reality is genocide, murder, and assorted atrocities committed by muslim hands.

And no matter the fact that Israel is but a tiny sliver of land surrounded by millions upon millions of acres of muslim lands, for Israel to give up even one inch of land…as per the Palestinian’s demands…means the enemy who already knocks on their door would now be certain to enter through that door turning the land of ‘milk and honey’ into the muslim’s long sort after Levant.

But if Israel’s leaders decided instead to send a message to the muslim world via the rightful dismantling of the Al-Aqsa mosque that sits upon and desecrates the Temple Mount…sacred Jewish and Christian holy ground…and starts construction of the prophesized Third Temple, maybe then and only then will the hand of God Almighty help smite those who wish to kill us al

And so the religious and political divisions of the Middle East are truly both legendary and written in scripture that spans the two great religions of Christianity and Judaism as well as in the islamic political manifesto called the qur’an. Those divisions span tribal wars, slavery, Biblical epochs, the Crusades, and even modern wars, but the political implications of the here and now are not just drawn in the sand of Israel and Jerusalem, but are blatantly obvious in these United States as well.

The religious and political divisions of the Middle East are both legendary, and written in scripture that span the two great religions, Christianity and Judaism, as well as in the Islamic political manifesto called the Quran. Those divisions span tribal wars, slavery, Biblical epochs, the Crusades and even modern wars, but the political implications of the here and now are not just drawn in the sand of Israel and Jerusalem, but are blatantly obvious in the United States.

At the forefront of that today, is President Donald Trump, and the depth of his presidency, and the ripple effects of it will surely be felt throughout the world.

President Trump is unabashedly pro-Israel, and his long-time friendship with Prime Minister Netanyahu has liberals in our country, as well as those spearheading a one world government absolutely terrified. For the past eight years, both factions, the liberals and the one world government provocateurs have had the U.S. government working in concert to destroy Israel, and their weapon of choice is both apparent, and surprising.


From the White House to the Halls of Congress, the ideology of Islam had no better ally than the Obama regime and elected liberals who did everything within their power, and somethings legally beyond the actual scope of their power, to bolster the intent of Islam to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. In those efforts, the weight of the United Nations should not be taken for granted, as that one world governmental body has, for decades, stood in abject opposition to the only true democracy in the Middle East.

There are several key reasons those groups, so opposed to Israel, are so scared of President Trump that they are willing to employ any tactic imaginable to put an end to his presidency, even in the scant few months since the inauguration.

President Trump has voiced his desire to fully recognize Jerusalem, all of it, as the true and only Capital of Israel, and he has made it clear that he would like to distinguish that fact by moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. A move that could well become a reality sooner rather than later. Such a formal recognition, backed up by a physical embassy in the old city of Jerusalem, would send shock waves through the one world government agenda, and through the liberal power elite, because having the U.S. make such a bold and decisive move could well trigger a domino effect of other nations following suit.

Moving our embassy to Jerusalem would also shake the world of Islam to its core, as it would signal that an American President has had enough of the mythical notion that Islam has some claim to the city, and the all too real hold that Islam’s ideological terrorism tactics are crumbling.

Next, while President Donald Trump speaks of finding a solution to the two state issue, those aligned with the so-called Palestinians know that any solution promoted or championed by President Trump would hinge on full, and iron-clad recognition by the world of Islam, including the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Hamas, Saudi Arabia and even Iran of the right of the Jewish State of Israel to exist in perpetuity. Such a situation, as engineered by President Trump, would of course include the full backing and support of the United States should such recognition ever be trifled with by those who seek Israel’s destruction.

Third, the United Nations, which relies heavily on financial support from the United States is trembling because the powers that be there know, if they don’t straighten up and start supporting Israel against the world’s rogue nations, pretend nations and terrorist sponsoring nations, President Trump could well pull the financial plug. And should he do that, the U.N. has to know that Israel would dump the U.N. in a heartbeat, and because of the relationship that now exists between Russia and Israel, along with the growing trust being built between Trump and Putin, Russia could also make a move to leave the U.N. in the dust.

The resulting ripples from a shattered U.N. would absolutely be felt by a crumbling of the one world government agenda, as that agenda relies most certainly on a cohesive United Nations as its driving force. The last thing either the one world government types or the United Nations can afford is a stronger Israel, with a triangular alliance which would include the U.S. and Russia, and a more stable Middle east.

This is why the United Nations, and Obama worked so feverishly to promote the Obama doctrine of creating vacuums of power throughout the Middle East, to be filled by various Islamist factions. Such a doctrine would destabilize the region, and weaken Israel, so if that trend were to reverse itself, as it already is with Trump in the White House, any gains made over the past decade towards a one world government would be wiped out.

Remember, we said that those hell-bent on the ideology of a one world government have been using the ideology of Islam as their weapon of choice, so allow us to clarify that point.

Both the liberals in the U.S. and the power brokers of the U.N. know full well that Islam is not a religion, but a political ideology of death, destruction and genocide, which is exactly why they have employed it, and bolstered it at every turn.

It would simply be too much for the military forces of a one world government to deploy across the Middle East, not to mention Europe, for the purpose of wresting power from sovereign nations. It would be too blatant, too abrasive and too much like a Nazi juggernaut to ever pull it off. What those attempting to bring about a one world government need, is a force of terror, death, destruction and genocide ruthless enough to do the dirty work for them, and if they can disguise that force as a religion, cloaked in political correctness as a shield against those who know better, they would have exactly what they need, and for two very good reasons.

First, Islam could, and is invading Europe in overwhelming numbers, and wreaking havoc on the populous there. In short order, the situations in key European cities and nations will become so dire, and the violence so extreme, that the whole of Europe will be looking for some entity to save them.

In the Middle East, the rise of ISIS and the spread of other factions of Islamic terrorist organizations, under the protective umbrella of the Obama doctrine and the shield of the United Nations has left a trail of death and destruction in its wake. Iran, a rogue Islamist nation, thanks to Obama and company, is now on the verge of having nuclear weapons, which is causing the rest of the region to engage in a nuclear arms race.

Across Europe, the ill effects of Islam are manifesting themselves on a daily basis through violence and sexual assaults perpetrated against innocents, to outright terrorist attacks which are becoming all too common.

Second, one of the building blocks of liberalism, whether in our country or abroad, is political correctness, which mandates tolerance to gullible masses, and a big part of that tolerance is the notion that one’s own culture should be set aside for the culture of others. Islam makes the perfect weapon for the one world government and for liberals in our country because one of the primary goals of the ideology is to erase all other cultures, lock, stock and barrel.

As Islam spreads, cultures are destroyed either from the violent, tangible destruction that is a hallmark of the Islamist ideology, or through the nature of political correctness itself which dictates acceptance of the invading culture. Either way, culture is replaced, and people die until a nation reaches the point past no return and is left to beg for help.

That is where the one world government steps in with military force to become not only the savior of civilized people, but their governing body as well. Any borders not erased by the gullible and the willing, will then be erased by the one world body. Any country not already buried by socialism and/or communism as a base ideology, will be forced to it by the one world body.

Islam, is nothing but a tool of the one world body being used to force the situation passed the breaking point, and once that happens, once there is no further use for Islam and it becomes a thorn in the side of the one world agenda, it too will be eliminated.

But for now, on the political end of the stick, that Mosque in Jerusalem is political ground zero. It is a brick and mortar sign to the world that Islam is to be tolerated while it presses forward toward a caliphate in the Middle East, and an invasive force throughout Europe. It is there, it is visible, and its only real purpose is to act as a political wedge.

What Muhammad sought in his time was not a spiritual awakening, but a political empire, and he recognized the fact that the Roman Empire had adopted Christianity as its religion while those closest to him in proximity held Judaism as their religion and base of power. He knew that the only way he could begin the process of building his own political empire was to base it in something that would hold something greater than himself as a sword over his people, and thus, he created his own political ideology and masked it as a religion of which he was the “spiritual” leader.

Nearly a century later, with no mention of Jerusalem in the texts written by Mohammad in the Quran, those overseeing the political ideology of Islam knew that to gain political relevance, they would need a hard and fast, brick and mortar claim to the sight most revered by the two religions that were most present in region…in Jerusalem…and for the sake of political expediency, the exact location of their Mosque would have to be built, not on, but over the sight of that pin on the map held most dear by both Christianity and Judaism.

To the Jews, that exact site is the pinpoint on the earth where human life began, and where their religion began with the story of Abraham and Isaac. To Christians, that exact site is where Jesus died on the cross which signaled the true beginning of their religious beliefs.

To Islam, Jerusalem has never been anything but a place on the map until it became politically significant in their quest to build an empire, and so, for political purposes only, it also became the place to construct a Mosque.

And with that mosque came islam’s quest for domination of the world via a Holy War of great proportions so that all who remain will submit to the ways of 7th century barbarians, and those who will be left to fight will do so with but ‘sticks and stones’ for the tangibles of what was before will be no more.

Investigative Reports…Copyright © 2017 Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots



Today, Tuesday, May 23rd from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss squatters in the Holy Land, and important news of the week.

Hope you can tune in at: https://americanpoliticalradio.com/platinum-plus-player/

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