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Kayla Mueller’s ISIS Assisted Suicide


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

kay 1Oh…Poor Kayla Mueller.

 An American…held captive by ISIS and now…dead at the age of 26.  Poor…POOR…Kayla Mueller.

We have been told that she died in a Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position. The Islamic terrorists sent photos of what was left of her to her hopeful parents and they confirmed that their daughter…poor Kayla Mueller was indeed…dead.

The mainstream media and even some Conservative leaning media organizations made her untimely and…tragic death…their front page news.


I just can’t bring myself to well up even a single crocodile tear for Kayla Mueller.

If you think she was killed in some Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position…might I suggest you put down the Kool Aid and take a sip of reality instead. ISIS most likely killed Mueller long before those bombings ever took place and we’ll most likely never know exactly how or when she died because ISIS was just looking for and taking advantage OF a crisis.

Never let a crisis go to waste…right?

And since nobody else seems to want to put a realistic cause of death tag on Kayla Mueller…allow me to step up with THIS dose of reality…

Kayla Mueller I believe, regardless of her final moments on earth…kay 2

Committed suicide.

Mueller, a bleeding-heart liberal had traveled to the Middle East, not for some altruistic and noble cause as the media would have us believe. No…she went because of her liberal hatred of Israel and the Jews.

Mueller took up with the ISM or, to be more specific…The International Solidarity Movement. And just what IS that, exactly? Well…it’s a Palestinian front group for terrorism disguised as a peaceful organization devoted to delegitimize Israel through the spreading anti-Israeli propaganda and by recruiting activists to participate in its agenda.

But wait, there’s more…

The ISM also has close working ties with al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hamas’ puppet kay 3government…the Palestinian Authority, the Muslim Brotherhood and other such ilk.

And there was Kalya Mueller…an American working with the terrorists, our enemies and the enemies of our allies…trying to win their hearts and minds by using herself as a human shield on behalf of an assortment of Islamic terrorist factions.

How proud her parents must have been of their little liberal daughter.

Kayle Mueller, an American traitor, standing with our enemies in a time of war…hating the Jews and Israel. Darling young lady she… upholding the ideology and agenda of Obama against the only democracy in all of the Middle East and our greatest ally.

Oh, Mueller could have stayed in Prescott Arizona and fed the homeless, worked in a women’s shelter or rescued puppies but no…her liberalism led her to be a traitor instead.

She fell in love, with a Syrian ‘rebel’ and traveled from GAZA to the land of terrorists with him and they were both taken hostage by ISIS. Big surprise there as those ‘rebels’ are in bed WITH ISIS. He, the boyfriend was reportedly set free but not poor, POOR Kayla.

Steven Joel Sotloff, AN American journalist who took up the cause of terrorists and tried to win their hearts and minds lost his head for his efforts.

American journalist James Foley, himself a terrorist sympathizer met the skay 4ame fate.

Both were turned over to ISIS by Kayla Mueller’s boyfriend’s pals, the Syrian ‘rebels’ and despite their oh-so-noble cause, neither would be looked upon as anything other than the enemy by our enemies.

Win the hearts of the heartless and/or the minds of those with a 7th century barbarian’s mindset? No way in hell.

From the moment Foley and Sotloff made the decision to take up the cause for the Islamic followers of a pedophile prophet…their course toward suicide was etched in cement.

Kayla Mueller was no different but by the time Foley’s and Sotloff’s suicides were finalized at the hands of the Islamic bastards, it was too late for Mueller to have learned a damned thing. What she SHOULD have gained as a life-saving lesson however, was the story of Rachel Corrie.

kay 5Corrie, just like Mueller, had signed on with the International Solidarity (with Islamic terrorists) Movement back in 2003 and just like Mueller…Corrie had presented herself as a human shield on behalf of other terrorists by trying to block the legal demolition of illegal Palestinian housing by the IDF.

Needless to say…it didn’t end well for Rachel Corrie as on March 16th, 2003, while obstructing the IDF…Corrie was run over by a bulldozer.

Naturally, Corrie’s family filed a lawsuit over her death and both a lower Israeli court and their Supreme Court upheld the “combat activities exception” principle, in which the state cannot be held liable for damages due to activities which occur in a war zone.

In other words…Rachel Corrie made her choice…to sit in front of a moving bulldozer where she had no business being and…crap happens. Her friends and family called it murder.

It was, I believe…suicide.

THAT should have been a lesson for Kayla Mueller but it wasn’t. Mueller joined up with the exact same terrorist outfit which led to her own suicide at the hands of ISIS.

Had Corrie, Foley, Sotloff or Mueller been over there fighting against the 7th century barbaric bastards, standing WITH our allies and upholding the best of America’s ideals when their lives ended…they should and would be considered to be heroeskay 6.

What they have all managed to do however, is prove that Darwin was right.

The liberal agenda, their hatred for Israel and the Jewish people, a loathing of America and their obtuse, warped view of the world led all of them to their own deaths and while I pity their life-ending decisions, I simply can’t pity their loss.

Kayla Mueller…dead at 26…cause of death…ISIS assisted suicide born of liberal stupidity.

Case closed.

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