By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on
During the National Prayer Breakfast a few weeks ago, Obama singled out Christianity as he tried to justify his ideology’s barbaric actions saying, “Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place. Remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”
Last September, regarding ISIS…Obama had this inane statement to share:
“Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL (ISLAMIC State of Iraq and the Levant) is not Islamic…”
He was trying like hell to separate his Islamic ideology from Islam itself and if he thought he was fooling anyone, he was sadly mistaken as ISLAMIC is right there in their name.
Over the weekend, ISIS or as he is so very fond of calling those barbaric bastards…ISIL so as to send the message that he agrees with them that Israel should not exist…executed 21 men from Egypt whose only crime, in the hearts and minds of those whose hearts and minds cannot be won…was being Coptic Christians.
They marched them down to the water’s edge with their hands tied behind them, forced them to their knees, then face down in the sand and as is their ideology’s custom, as prescribed in the manifesto called the Quran…they cut off their heads.
And what, exactly did Obama have to say about THAT???
“ISIL’s barbarity knows no bounds. It is unconstrained by faith, sect, or ethnicity. This wanton killing of innocents is just the most recent of the many vicious acts perpetrated by ISIL-affiliated terrorists against the people of the region, including the murders of dozens of Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai, which only further galvanizes the international community to unite against ISIL. “
How could he bring himself to mention that the 21 executed men were all…Coptic CHRISTIANS when he had just weeks before…BLAMED the Christians of a thousand years ago for the actions of his own ideology’s barbaric bastards today?
How could he say that those who committed this latest atrocity were ISLAMIC when he has, over the years, gone to such great lengths to DEFEND the barbaric ideology of his beloved Islam?
Islam, to an Islamist like Obama, can do no wrong and only by blaming others, even a millennium past, can his Islamic ideology be justified.
Like the pedophile, barbaric prophet Obama follows and just like today’s Islamic leaders around the world and the heads of terrorist factions …Obama, the Islamist, has worms in his mouth but what does that mean to an Islamist?
It is an extreme insult…a defiling of their ideology and their origins.
It means that Muhammad was a false prophet. A fake. A phony and a fraud. Not a leader…not someone due respect and not someone to be followed. The exact same can be said of Obama himself…a fake, a fraud, a phony, not a leader, not owed respect and someone not to be followed.
The exact same can also be said of Obama’s puppet master…Valerie Jarrett…who also has worms in HER mouth.
Islam, any Islamist with a mouth full of worms will gladly tell you, is a “religion” and a “religion of peace,” a “religion of tolerance.”
Are we to believe their parasitic infested lies or are we to believe what they show us on their slickly produced videos of barbaric genocide?
To see their latest acts of peace and tolerance…watch the video below…but be warned, their peaceful and tolerant display is hellishly graphic.
Lew Al Cinder, who became Kareem Abdul Jabbar when HE converted to Islam decades ago also tried to separate ISIS from Islam earlier this week when HE said… “It’s a play for money and power, and these people try to impose their will on people so people will listen to them, and they can be in charge. That’s all it’s about. They’ve taken on a fascist attitude and a fascist approach to everything. You do what we say or you die.”
So far so good but then, he went on to explain how ISIS represents ISLAM in the same way the Ku Klux Klan represents Christianity.
Sorry Kareem…you were a great basketball player in your day but now…TODAY…you are a lousy apologist for your “religion of peace.”
Islam, like the Klan, is a cult and an ideology of hate, death and genocide and as such, it is not fit for a world of modern, civilized people. The pedophile, false prophet Muhammad, was, in 632 AD…everything you say ISIS is today.
Muhammad the pedophile was, to paraphrase, all about the accumulation of ‘money (wealth) and power, and these people (HE) tried to impose their (HIS) will on people so people will listen to them (HIM) and they (HE) can be in charge. That’s all it’s (MUHAMMAD) was about. They’ve (HE, MUHAMMAD) had taken on (what we now refer to as) a fascist attitude and a fascist approach to everything. You do what we (HE) said or you die.’
The Islamic manifesto, their Quran, contains more than 100 verses extolling violence, hate, terror and murder.
And here is one directed at those like Abdul Jabbar who claim to be moderate Muslims:
The following are two which directly call for what ISIS and Islamists are doing today:
These are but a small handful of the teachings of the pedophile, false prophet Muhammad.
Obama, an Islamist, couldn’t admit the latest victims of Islam were Christians but that didn’t stop other leaders from doing so. Prime Minister David Cameron said that he was “appalled by the murder of Christians in Libya, a simply barbaric and inhumane act.”
Even Pope Francis, himself an apologist for Islam said: “The blood of our Christian brothers and sisters is a testimony which cries out be heard. It makes no difference whether they be Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or Protestants. They are Christians! Their only words were: ‘Jesus, help me!’ They were killed simply for the fact that they were Christians.”
Killed, as prescribed by a fraudulent prophet with a mouth full of worms in his manifesto of barbarism called the Quran.
Stopping ISIS, putting an end to the barbaric actions of ISLAM is decidedly NOT Obama’s goal. DEFENDING them IS and as further proof of that fact…read what Obama’s Pentagon officials were ordered to say after Egypt started going after the barbaric bastards early this week:
“The United States does not support Egyptian and Emirati airstrikes against Islamist militias in Libya because the U.S. believes the crisis in Libya must be resolved politically and without outside interference .”
When those in Arab countries take it upon themselves to do what Obama refuses to do and take military action against those Obama deems to be his friends to protect their own citizens…Obama, the Islamist, rebukes them for their actions.
Not until we have a President who is willing to acknowledge the facts, that Islam is neither a religion nor peaceful nor tolerant and that Islam is at war will all of the civilized world can we hope to defeat the barbarians but when that day comes…and certainly it WILL come, then I say give to the cult of death exactly what they crave.
We didn’t stop the genocidal ideology of the Nazis or the imperialist desires of Japan through political correctness or by winning their hearts and minds. We ended their dreams of world domination and ethnic cleansing by bombing them straight to hell.
We must remove the ties that bind our great military, preventing them from doing what must be done and we must have a leader who understands that collateral damage be damned, the fight is worth winning at any cost.
As Shakespeare so eloquently penned… “Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war”.
TODAY, Wednesday, February 18th, on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm EST, Craig and Diane will be discussing the beheading of the 21 Coptic Christians at the hands of ISIS and Obama’s response or lack thereof to this horrific act, and the burning alive of the 45 Iraqi’s again at the hands of ISIS.
Hope you can tune in:
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